Feature My Kitchen

Here is the step by step information you need if you wish to have any of your kitchen projects featured on Real Kitchens.

There is a small admin fee of £50 (plus VAT) to cover the editing of both the written content such as the description of the project and any retouching of the photos to enhance the project on the real kitchens site.

In addition to your real kitchen project being featured on the site and pushed out via social media, each project will be eligible for one permanent (do follow) outbound link to your website, which is very beneficial for SEO purposes.

Please note that the £50 (plus VAT) admin fee is a one time only fee and is not payable annually. All projects featured are permanent and do not require any renewal, now or ever.


To Submit Your Real Kitchen Project 

Please follow the following steps

  1. Please write a summary of your kitchen project of approx 200 words. Please make sure to mention as many details as possible including the brand, style, name and colour of the kitchen doors, the appliance brands and what worktop was used, plus any additional features you wish to highlight.
  2. Please submit 8-10 photos of your project to enable us to select the 5 we feel best fit the submission and/or which are editable and appropriate for use. Each photo needs to be a minimum of 980 pixels wide.
  3. When you have collected the required information from 1&2 above please use the submission form below and be sure to leave your contact details.
  4. Real Kitchens will then review your submission and will contact you directly to discuss its inclusion on the site.
  5. If the project is suitable and you are satisfied for it to be included, the submission will then be completed.
  6. The unique URL (web page) of your real kitchens project will then be sent to you and once payment of the admin fee has been made, the permanent (do follow) outbound link to your website, will then be added to complete the submission.